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- +44 (0) 207 443 4849
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All our website businesses for sale
Here's all our Online Businesses...
You will also find an explanation of all the different types of businesses that you are able to purchase with us.
The range of businesses and website we offer for sale means that it can sometimes be hard to know the difference between a Turn-Key website and an established website as different sellers of websites & online businesses can mean different things when they use terms such as these to describe websites for sale.
Below you will find our explainations of each type of business we offer.
Our website terms & business niches explained...
Our businesses are pretty simple once you understand them. Remember that we also give you 3 months’ worth of FREE marketing with any business purchased from us.
Sometimes our websites fall into multiple categories. A Turn-Key website may also be classed as an established website for example.
Drop Ship Businesses
Drop Ship Businesses – These businesses all have physical products that are shipped out to customers who place an order on your website. The difference is that orders will be fulfilled by us directly from the suppliers and you still pocket profits from each sale.
You may also opt to be forfilling orders by yourself. This is up to you.
Digital Businesses
Digital Businesses – These business have digital products or a sell a digital service, which means there is nothing physical to ship out to customers. Ever.
If you purchase this type of business, your products will be items such as eBooks, video courses, or you will be selling digital services such as website design, SEO or owning a digital agency providing services to customers.
Turn-Key Websites
Turn-Key websites – These are ready-to-go websites that will be set up for you after you have purchased. With these, you can use any domain name of your choice.
These are based on Demo websites and you can see how your website will look. Just choose your own domain name and we will set things up for you.
They are sites that are ready to trade but NOT established website businesses and they will have no traffic and no previous online trading history. These have one of the shortest set up and completion times of all our online businesses for sale.
Established Websites
Established websites – Have the benefit of giving you the chance of taking over an existing website business that is on a domian name that has an established history and is already listed within search engines such as Google.
With these types of websites it’s extremely likely that you could get your first sale extremely fast – much faster than if you purchased a brand new website from us and even faster than with our Turn-Key websites for sale that are installed on a brand new domain name.
All current website businesses for sale
We are always adding new website businesses for sale to this section, so check back here often if you want to find out about the hottest new digital website business for sale launches.
We sell all of our website businesses on a first-come first served basis, no exceptions will be made for higher offers.
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